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The submission create subcommand

create_submission(challenge, file_path, description, print_links=False, config_ctx=ConfigContext(), challenge_ctx=ChallengeContext())

Creates a submission on AIcrowd

Considers both cases:

  • git submission
  • artifact (file based) submission

if -f/--file is specified, they are submitting a file. So, default to artifact based submission

Otherwise, default to gitlab based submission (should ignore challenge parameter in that case, pick up stuff from gitconfig)


Name Type Description Default
challenge str

one of

  • [int] challenge id
  • [str] challenge slug
  • [str] challenge url
file_path str

file to submit

description str

description for the submission

print_links bool

print helpful links related to the submission

config_ctx ConfigContext

CLI config

challenge_ctx ChallengeContext

Challenge config

Source code in aicrowd/submission/
def create_submission(
    challenge: str,
    file_path: str,
    description: str,
    print_links: bool = False,
    config_ctx: ConfigContext = ConfigContext(),
    challenge_ctx: ChallengeContext = ChallengeContext(),
    Creates a submission on AIcrowd

    Considers both cases:

     - git submission
     - artifact (file based) submission

    if `-f/--file` is specified, they are submitting a file.
    So, default to artifact based submission

    Otherwise, default to gitlab based submission
      (should ignore challenge parameter in that case, pick up stuff from gitconfig)

        challenge: one of

            - [`int`] challenge id
            - [`str`] challenge slug
            - [`str`] challenge url
        file_path: file to submit
        description: description for the submission
        print_links: print helpful links related to the submission
        config_ctx: CLI config
        challenge_ctx: Challenge config
    log = logging.getLogger()

    api_key = must_get_api_key(config_ctx)
    challenge_id = challenge_ctx.challenge.get(ChallengeConstants.CONFIG_ID_KEY)

    # not in a valid challenge git directory and file not given
    if challenge_id is None and file_path is None:
        log.error("Not in a valid challenge git directory and file not given")
        raise InvalidChallengeDirException(
            "Please run this command from the challenge directory for git based submissions "
            + "or specify the file using -f/--file for artifact based submissions",

    # couldn't get from config, try the --challenge option
    if challenge_id is None:
        challenge_id, challenge_slug = parse_cli_challenge(challenge, api_key)

    # still couldn't deduce challenge
    if challenge_id is None:
        raise ChallengeNotFoundException(
            "Challenge with the given details could not be found",
            "Please recheck the challenge name",

    if file_path is None:
        raise NotImplementedError("Git based submissions are not ready yet!")

    return submit_file(challenge_slug, file_path, description, api_key, print_links)