Listing Datasets

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With this command, you can easily check which datasets are avaiable for download for a particular challenge.

In the most general case, you can run the following to list datasets for any challenge:

aicrowd dataset list -c CHALLENGE

where CHALLENGE is the challenge slug/url


You'll get the files, their descriptions and the size of those files.

For example,

aicrowd dataset list -c insurance-pricing-game

                           Datasets for challenge #541
│ # │ Title                  │ Description                            │     Size │
│ 0 │ Training Data Ageless  │ Training data for the bonus round      │  28.7 MB │
│ 1 │ Training Data          │ Training data for the competition      │  34.6 MB │
│ 2 │ Data Dictionary [PDF]  │ Description of columns in the dataset  │ 71.34 KB │
│ 3 │ Training Data          │ Training data for the competition      │  34.6 MB │